Tea is the second-most consumed beverage in the whole world. Every culture has its own unique customs involved with tea. Basically Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring boiling water over the fresh or dried tea leaves. These days a varieties of tea people are enjoying which may be either hot or even cold, also taste sweet or salty as well. Salty tea is a unique tea one can have from the Kashmiri cuisine as Noon Chai / Sheer Chai which has a color of Pink and is the traditional beverage from that cuisine.

In summers instead of having hot beverage, one can thoroughly enjoy the cold ones like any flavored iced tea. I have already shared an iced tea recipe as Minty Mango Iced Tea. Well, today’s recipe is all about a hot beverage flavored with chocolate as Chocolate Tea. This is a delicious tea with a hint of chocolate flavor along with cinnamon powder and cardamom powder too. The sweet factor here I used honey. So I added after preparing the tea just during serving. If using sugar as sweetener then do add along with all the ingredients into the pan while on stove top.

So are you a tea addicted ? If yes, then this different kind of hot beverage’ll surely steal your heart. One thing has to keep in mind while preparing the tea here is the cocoa powder should not be added more than mentioned in the ingredients list. Otherwise that will spoil the whole taste of the tea. Some chocolate shavings or choco chips can be added for extra chocolaty in the beverage. During a rainy or winter days particularly one needs at least a cup of tea. As the rainy time is going on so try this Chocolate Tea with some cookies or even tea cakes.

Recipe Card for ‘Chocolate Tea’ :

Beverage, Tea, Chocolate, Hot Beverage

Beverage, Tea, Chocolate,



Chocolate Tea

a delicious tea with a hint of chocolate flavor

prep time: 2 Mcook time: 5 Mtotal time: 7 M


  • Milk 1 cup
  • Cocoa powder 1 tsp
  • Tea powder 2 tsp
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Cardamom powder
  • Honey as per taste
  • Water 1 cup


How to cook Chocolate Tea

  1. First take a saucepan and put all the ingredients except honey.
  2. Mix everything till cocoa powder incorporated well and then turn on heat.
  3. Bring to a boil, stirring in between.
  4. Then simmer for 1-2 minutes and turn off heat.
  5. Pour into the serving glass.
  6. Add honey as desired and mix well using a spoon.
  7. Serve hot !


Cocoa powder should be used in a moderate amount, otherwise that will spoil the whole taste of the tea.
Some chocolate shavings or choco chips can be added for extra chocolaty.
If using sugar as sweetener then add along with all the ingredients.

This post is for the current month’s Food Bloggers Recipe Swap and I was paired with Rafeeda who is a lovely blogger at The Big Sweet Tooth. While browsing through her posts I came across many recipes and among them besan ki kheer and chocolate tea stole my eyes 😉 and finally I landed to make this Chocolate Tea recipe and contributed for theme.

Don’t forget to check out the other recipes from this month’s Food Blogger Recipe Swap!

If you tried my recipe and enjoyed fully, then please share some pictures of your creation with me. Also kindly rate the recipe below, give your valuable feedback either in the comment box below or tag me as @firsttimercook on Instagram.

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  1. Simplyfood

    I have never had chocolate tea only ever had hot chocolate. This recipe sounds very interesting .

  2. Rafeeda AR

    I can understand that this recipe is always a little doubtful to try… You have beautifully clicked them… 🙂

  3. Samantha Francis

    Hello Sasmita, thanks for sharing the recipe "Chocolate Tea". First time I tried, think I made a mistake (added extra cocoa powder). The second attempt came-out well. i followed your instructions.

    I have written an article on this website, would be happy if you could try out the recipe and let me know how it turned out.:- http://ashasweetcenter.com/blog/scrumptious-gulab-jamun-recipe-bangalore-asha-sweet-center/

  4. Give Me Some Spice
    Give Me Some Spice

    Chocolate tea sounds wonderful. I would love to try this as I like chocolate in any form.

  5. Chef Mireille

    what a unique tea with chocolate. I need to try this soon. You styled the photo also so nicely with the cookies!

  6. veena

    I like chocolate and I like Tea and so I am sure I will love this chocolate tea. Looks so good

  7. jayashree

    Chocolate tea sounds interesting, I have never had it. Would love to try this one soon Sasmita !

  8. Archana

    Sounds interesting never heard of chocolate tea. Must say its unusual n will try it out.

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Hey there !

Myself Sasmita, a techie turns to a food blogger which is reflected in this space.

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