Hello & welcome to my website, where I make cooking easy !!!! My name is Sasmita, and firsttimercook.com is my creation.

I am also like most homemakers, who learned cooking only after marriage. Having some basic knowledge about food, hence I started exploring the world of blogging. Eating delicious food and also photography of anything is my passion, which helps me a lot. And then I started cooking, developed an interest in cooking, try new recipes as often as possible. Sometimes, we try a dish once and it comes out nice. Then forget for a while and if we want to try again, we won’t be able to recollect exactly what we did last time. So I started blogging & posting mouthwatering recipes, which helped me a lot to record exactly what I do.

Firsttimercook.com is a foodie blog where I share my thoughts about food, and recipes, and not the last, I give cooking as well as baking tips in each recipe. Each of the recipes put up here is homemade. All the credit goes to my husband who is my inspiration for starting this website. In fact, all the recipes put up on the site here are tried and tested by my husband and me.

So thank you for stopping by my foodie website where you can find well-crafted recipes for the home cook. I strongly recommend that you go ahead and try out all these recipes. Leave your valuable feedback on each recipe & also request a new recipe to introduce here.

You can also keep in touch with me through Facebook, Google Plus, and Instagram, and follow my posts on Twitter

Keep Visiting  &  Happy Cooking !!!!