crispy golden brown thin onion slices perfect for biryani, pulao, korma etc. No biryani is flavorful without the birista / beresta ! Have you noticed the flavor that we get by using this simple fried ones. Birista or beresta aka fried …

( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
crispy golden brown thin onion slices perfect for biryani, pulao, korma etc. No biryani is flavorful without the birista / beresta ! Have you noticed the flavor that we get by using this simple fried ones. Birista or beresta aka fried …
a super easy and quick side dish using some baby potatoes or even some potato cubes Baby potato fry is a very quick and easy recipe. This can done by using normal potatoes. Just boil the normal potato and then slice …
a refreshingly healthy drink using the tropical fruit, watermelon Watermelon and its Benefits : Watermelon is a tender, warm-season fruit. It is widely grown in many tropical countries. Watermelon has a neutral flavor, and its taste somewhat as plain sweet water …
Melt-in-mouth fudge prepared using seasonal grated carrot (red ones) Having seasonal food is important for a particular reason. And I most of the time prefer to follow this. Winter and carrots are one of that kind. And with carrots we, Indians …
a popular Indian summer drink using unripe green (raw) tart mangoes Aam panna is a drink made from green mangoes (raw ones) and is consumed as a healthy drink to fight against the summer heat. It is also believed that …