Fasting is not to be boring if you have these spicy and tempting SABUDANA KEBAB in the coming festive times or even in any festival.

( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
Fasting is not to be boring if you have these spicy and tempting SABUDANA KEBAB in the coming festive times or even in any festival.
This is a creamy, rich Indian pudding using sago (sabudana) flavored with the king of fruit, Mango (aam). Perfect for festive time indulgence
a spicy and savory healthy drink using tapioca aka sabudana / sago for the fasting days Navratri !! Navaratra / Navratra / Navratri is just celebrating in Indian subcontinent. Navaratri word has two parts – ‘Nava’ means …
Khichdi / Khichri / Khechidi !! After reading above line, you may either like it or make faces at it like how kids do 😉 Well, the khichdi is an Indian version of culinary comfort which is basically made from …
Sago or sabudana is often considered as a super food which is full of energy and carbohydrates. Sago is basically extracted from the sago palm trees or more importantly from their stem in a starch form. Sago is also known as …
Sabudana Kheer / Sago Payasam / Tapioca Pudding is a very traditional Indian sweet dish. This is made across most regions of India specially during fasting. Besides satiating our taste buds in the fasting season, sabudana or tapioca pearl can …
Sago dumpling or Tapioca dumpling – a popular thai street snack food made of outer layer of tapioca pearls. Instead of the commonly used minced pork in the dumpling, I have created a vegetarian version with sauteed veggies like cabbage, carrot and …