an easy to prepare, refreshing and summertime recipe using Watermelon What is Salsa? Who doesn’t love a bowl of tasty fresh salsa on the table? Just perfect for scooping with corn tortilla chips or crackers, the salsa …

( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
an easy to prepare, refreshing and summertime recipe using Watermelon What is Salsa? Who doesn’t love a bowl of tasty fresh salsa on the table? Just perfect for scooping with corn tortilla chips or crackers, the salsa …
kid’s friendly fruity pizza using a big round slice of watermelon as base and few fruits and chocolates as toppings. Watermelon, a body-healing fruit ! Yes. Loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients; watermelon is such a fruit one should not …
a refreshingly healthy drink using the tropical fruit, watermelon Watermelon and its Benefits : Watermelon is a tender, warm-season fruit. It is widely grown in many tropical countries. Watermelon has a neutral flavor, and its taste somewhat as plain sweet water …